Day: January 3, 2010

  • Trying to Lower my SPL Part II and Repeatability in Swim Training

    Trying to Lower my SPL Part II and Repeatability in Swim Training

    Yesterday, the day after my longer swim with LAMVAC’s annual 10K swim, I was feeling a bit tired. Still I went to the pool to limber up and try to lower my SPL again on a 25y pool. Based on my previous attempt and hitting 10 SPL, I decided to try to figure out what…

  • Checking Out My 50m SPL

    Checking Out My 50m SPL

    On New Years Day, my Master’s group, LAMVAC, hosts a 10K swim each year. I think this was the first time I actually went and swam this annual swim, although I was pretty sure I would not make it to 10K as I haven’t swam more than 1600y since Ironman CDA! I did want to…